Your feedback helps us improve our services.
Your feedback helps us improve our services.
We welcome your feedback, whether it is a compliment, complaint or a comment, it is all important to us and can help us provide a better service for you and for others.
Please complete the form below or send a letter to Centacare Enquiries at 45 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, SA 5000.
We will:
We will:
We will:
If we are unable to resolve your complaint or you do not believe your concerns have been dealt with adequately you can contact:
The Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner (HCSCC) by telephoning (08) 8226 8666 or Country SA toll free 1800 232 007.
If you are a NDIS Participant you can contact the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission by telephoning 1800 035 544 (free call from landlines)
If you have a hearing or speech impairment, you can access any of the numbers above by calling the National Relay Service (NRS) and asking them to call the number you are after. For TTY calls: 133 677. For Speak and Listen calls: 1300 555 727.
Centacare collects, manages, uses and discloses personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988.