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Dads Business

This program offers relaxed and non-judgemental group environments where dads can be themselves and share their experiences of parenting.

Northern Adelaide

Dads Business

Dads Business delivers a range of inclusive activities for fathers in Playford. The program offers relaxed and non-judgemental group environments where dads can be themselves and share their experiences of parenting.

Dads Business aims to enhance father’s parenting skills, confidence, wellbeing, and connectedness to community, in order to support Dads to develop positive relationships with their families and child/ren aged 0-12.

About our service

Support at Dads Business is inclusive of all people who identify as a father, including expectant and new fathers, step-fathers, and fathers whose children do not live with them. Dads Business values the role that fathers play in the live of children. 

Dads Business offers a range of support, activities, parent education and non-formal programs. Fathers reaching out for support first talk with the Dads and Fatherhood Worker to discuss their expectations, needs and what support fits best for them. Bookings are essential for most activities at Dads Business, as group numbers are limited.

Dads Business activities are part of the Communities for Children Playford Initiative.

This service is funded by Department of Social Services, via our facilitating partner AnglicareSA.

Our supports

We offer:

  • Dads Time one-on-one support from the Dads and Fatherhood worker for a range of fatherhood and men’s topics. Need support and not sure where to turn? Book and appointment now.
  • Circle of Security Parenting a six-week Parenting course to help you understand your child’s behaviour, help your child organise their feelings, help you enjoy a more fulfilling relationship with your child, and help your child feel secure now and into the future.
  • Bringing up Great Kids a six-week parenting program promoting respectful and caring relationships between fathers and their children. Learn parenting techniques which ensure your child/ren grow up happy and healthy.
  • Seahorse a four-week course designed to provide all dads/fathers with children aged 0-12 years with the skills required to provide solid foundations and optimal growth for children and the entire family unit.
  • Dads and Fathers Social Groups weekly drop-in groups held during the school terms for dads to meet other dads in a relaxed and non-judgemental environment. Discuss anything relating to family or personal wellbeing. 


Our service is for dads in the Playford Local Government area including:

  • stepdads,
  • new and expectant dads,
  • fathers whose children don’t live with them,
  • kinship carers in a fathering role,
  • People who identify as a father.


We accept:

  • self-referrals,
  • referrals from other services (with client consent).

Get in touch