Young Family Support Program
We provide support and accommodation for young parents aged up to 25 and their children, who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
Metropolitan Adelaide
Southern Adelaide
We provide support and accommodation for young parents aged up to 25 and their children, who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
Metropolitan Adelaide
Southern Adelaide
Centacare’s Young Family Support Program provides support and accommodation for young parents up to the age of 25 years and their children, who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
Support is tailored to meet specific needs and help young families achieve their goals as part of individualised case management.
The Young Family Support Program consists of four separate programs. Whilst each program is different, some commonalities include:
The Young Family Support Program is funded by the National Agreement on Social Housing and Homelessness. An agreement between Federal and State/Territory governments.
Our supports include:
Both Malvern Place and Coolock House provide short-term accommodation and support onsite. Both sites offer six self-contained units with Family Support Workers available on a 24/7 basis for young women aged up to 25 who are pregnant or parenting, with their children.
There is a weekly accommodation fee in accordance with income, and clients are responsible for their own electricity and food.
Louise Place provide short-term to medium-term accommodation and support onsite. Louise Place offers eight self-contained units onsite with Family Support Workers available on a 24/7 basis for young women up to the age of 18 years who are pregnant/parenting, and their children.
There is a weekly accommodation fee in accordance with income, and a contribution for utilities cost. Clients are responsible for their own food.
Medium term accommodation for young parents of any gender up to the age of 25 years who are pregnant or parenting but have low need support requirements. Home visiting support is provided, generally on a fortnightly basis.
Rent is charged weekly by SA Housing Trust. Rent is set at 25% of gross household income. A two-week deposit is required. Families are responsible for their utilities and living expenses.
We accept:
Our services operate from four sites across metropolitan Adelaide:
Phone 08 8412 9560
Phone 08 8412 9530
Phone 08 8303 6610